Thursday, September 10, 2015

I Can, I Will

Throw back Thursday to last month with these little guys...

Jax and Grey 

As I was helping a mom in labor today I wanted to help her feel like a welcomed spark to my life, not an inconvenience, annoyance, or bother to my day.

And when her precious baby girl was welcomed in to the world, I hope she will feel comfortable in her skin, not constantly wondering how many things she needs to change before she's loved and celebrated.

I noticed how her husband was heard, valued, and understood, not dismissed for being too young or too inexperienced to have an opinion or know what she needed to thrive. 

As if receiving my RN license in the mail helps me feel capable and confident, not incapable of doing something without constant supervision and correction.
I feel brave to bare the colors of my soul, not pressured to hide my light or play small to gain acceptance.
I hope after spending an hour … a day … a lifetime in my presence,

I leave your heart fuller, 
your smile wider, 
your spirit stronger 
your future brighter
than you could have ever imagined by yourself.