Monday, May 2, 2016

💛 of Gold

Happy May Day!
I’ve been thinking a good deal about work habits of late. I’m 123 days into my year long gratitude project, and I have to admit, my work, or my ideas about how I approach my work has changed. A few days ago, a friend asked me where Max is going to play next year. Going through a daily routine, one I know I have to keep no matter what, has given me a new sense of freedom in my work. I’ve learned to check my ego at the door and articulate something true in the moment. I also follow the work ethic of Max or Markus or Morgen and make a note of it and move on. Success happens after the real action of doing the work, unattached to any outcome.

If you’ve seen my home or completed a simplify 31 day project of your own, then you understand how a daily habit helps improve your life. Routine habits are also a sure way to hold ourselves accountable in an honest and real way. Simplifying plays a big role in my writing and cleaning. I had my Great Artist friend, Laurie, stop by today and she brought with her the Norwex cleaning supplies I'd bought last month at her house and I'm excited to apply them to a strong simplify theme to the housework I’m creating.

Stories connect us to moments and to each other. Using simple ways in life creates meaningful strong work. If you follow my blog here, then you’ve heard mention of the hard work Max has been doing in hockey I’m writing it down, Success comes after work. The opportunity shows how to craft strong  work ethic through simply working. .

I can’t wait until the work he's putting in is added up and ready to use. Until then, I thought it would be fun to use a simply-inspired Instagram challenge for May. I’m using 31 daily prompts to inspire me to capture a step of simplifying with my favorite camera (mine is an iPhone). Feel free to interpret the prompts literally or figuratively. Complete all 31 or only 1, it’s up to you. Make this challenge your own. If you play along, and I hope you do, use the #simplifyinmay hashtag so I can find and follow along on Instagram.
Ready, click, go!