Thursday, June 2, 2016

8th Blog-iversary!

Happy June!

Last month’s Simplify In May challenge pushed my habits in new ways so I decided to create part two to share with you. If you played along, what did you think? I’ll put together a post with my images soon. For now, I’m jumping in again. 

If you’ve followed my blog since day one or completed a creative 365 day project of your own, then you understand how a daily habit helps improve your life. Routine habits are a sure-fire way to hold yourself accountable. Scrap booking plays a big role in my journaling and photography. I studied English and communication in nursing school and apply a strong authentic simplicity to the life I’m creating.

Stories connect us to moments and to each other. Using simple techniques in photography creates meaningful strong images. If you follow me here, then you’ve heard mention of the possibility of doing another marathon, it's been 9 years since my last one. The 26.2 mile course teaches you how to overcome obstacles and do something hard.

I can’t wait until a marathon is signed up and ready to train for. Until then, I thought it would be fun to create a second simply-inspired Instagram challenge. Capture a story snippet of your favorite summertime activities. Feel free to interpret the prompts literally or figuratively. Complete all 30 or only 1, it’s up to you. Of course there will be a lot to choose from. Make this challenge your own. If you play along, and I hope you do, use the #summer2k16 hashtag so we can find and follow along on Instagram.