Saturday, April 1, 2017


After the morning game, a bonus. For the second time in two days, Murray scores the first goal (they also only lose by one goal, which I've seen hard-pressed to find). They don't do this against South Dakota, which I'll have to look into.

Cleveland, Ohio

1. Following lunch and a tour of the hall of fame, an incredible three-hour, multi-course dinner at a charming Italian restaurant with some wonderful, warm, welcoming people!
2. With the same intelligent, engaging friends of Max's, quality time spent walking up to the Little Italy district and back down again.
Beachwood, Ohio

3. Drive around town for a late night out, a never-ending stream of hotspots, more friendly Italians, some genetic hotness, some hockey haircuts, paper Cannoli boxes, hiccups, and churches (their doors, anyway) wide open at 10pm into which we could peek, taking too many snapchats (and using all battery power in both of our cell phones) all of which made it interesting to find our way back to the hotel. 

If you're in Ohio, you might need The Map!