Thursday, March 12, 2020

Districts Cancelled


Well, this one simply didn’t turn out is what I’ll say first.

It could have been a number of things: the slapdash huddle of frozen boys upon realization that the team had won the ECHL tournament. Distracted dumping of pucks, later questioning: Did I mistake a power play for icing? Did I measure the shot? Did I forget the celly?

My head was all in, my heart close behind.

You’ve heard, no doubt, countless hockey metaphors in your life – the proverbial patience. The importance of precision, perhaps. The surprising beauty of a creative solution rising from mishap.

But today, after a particularly dry clump of failed, flight-less district cancellations, I can offer only this:

Things sometimes don’t turn out. In COVID, in lives. A child’s dream, a flopped tournament, a botched championship, a broken vow. The kicker, of course, is that even in retrospect, we’re not always privy to the why. Could’ve been the Chinese Covid Containment, but really – who knows?

Next year, we try again.