Friday, November 27, 2020

Cake No. 1: The Tiramisu Cake

 This is the cake you bake for your girlfriend. The one who’s not technically married, but definitely committed. The one who never skips the occasion to send a handwritten letter from her heart, who shows up on Christmas morning with a cardboard box bigger than her car. She who cheers on every paper published, every ladder climbed, every deep end dive.

The one worth celebrating for no reason at all, and for every reason after.

You’ll bake two rectangle cakes, one for her sister who is visiting and one to wrap in foil and send a street away. Her sister and her daughter's will moon over various making ideas – Mascarpone meringue? Roasted espresso? Vanilla cream? – before deciding she’s worth all three and the taste test begins.

You’ll learn later, of course, that she loves espresso.

But it won’t have mattered.

She’ll have left your messy kitchen knowing she’s purely loved, endlessly celebrated.

Forever adored.

p.s. Recipe from this (delicious) blog, and for the curious, let it be stated that – unanimously – Mascarpone Meringue is the only wise choice here.

p.p.s. Cake 1 here, and the series that started it all…