Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meeting the Mouse

{B, Aria, Minnie Mouse, Kailey and Monet}

We were lucky enough to get to go to Disneyland on the same day as my sister Monet and her girls Kailey and Aria. They had spring break this week as well and came down to California on Saturday. We met up with them today and met Minnie Mouse!
Minnie gave Max a hug and let him kiss her hand!

Cute Max just blushed.

Aria and Markus wearing their mouse ears

Max wanted his name on the back of his little beauties.

They wore them all day

Cousins: Max, Markus, Morgen, Kailey and Aria
enjoying their ice cream treats in front of Big Thunder Mountain just as the train came barreling by.

My sister Monet tried on some ears inside the Mad Hatter


It was so much fun to have my sister with me all day, just like when we were little girls.

Aria, Max and Kailey had a great time together too.

Lotta Laughs!

Fun loving boys enjoying the rides!