Wednesday, April 27, 2011


{Morgen and his Disneyland Experience}

{Enjoying a Pineapple Whip outside of the Tiki Room}

{Collecting Vinylmation figures}

{Pirates - ARGH!!!}


{almost smiling - almost}

{Morgen and Kailey hanging out in line}

{Peter Pan never wanted to grow up, and that is all that Morgen has wanted to do since he was younger - Grow!}

{"Sleep in a Can" - according to Morgen this is what he lived on last year when he came down with his dance team}

{Catching some California sun by the pool}

{Chasing Markus with sand at the beach}


{Guess what Morgen's favorite thing to eat at Disneyland is? (Hint: He is wearing it!}

{Posing for the camera on Space Mountain}