Sunday, January 11, 2015

Two Peas In A Pod

{Darlin is having identical twin boys!!}

{Monet gave her a baby shower today at her home to celebrate}

{Sierra and Kailey helped to make it a success}

{Darlin + pregnant = Beautiful}

{She looks like she is barely big enough for one baby let alone two in one pod!}

{My niece, Nadalynn, also just got engaged over Christmas}

{Yummy treats}

{So much love all in one room}


💕 Baby Advice 💞 

Lara: Take time to play with them, forget about cleaning, play games, read books. 

Sheri: They grow up so fast...enjoy them while they are little - take a deep breath will pass. 

Monet: Own your mistake, it's okay to not be perfect be real - tell your kids how it is. 

Kailey: Keep photos and videos of your kids growing up. Make a disc! 

Sierra: Not the amount of time that you spend - but just make time for meaningful interaction. Quality time. 

Nady: Little things - notes, little momentos, memories. 

Aria: Keep things positive - always give encouragement and help lift up spirits. 

Brenda: Give correction in a positive way - instead of "no" say "stop". Tell them they can do ANYTHING. Read. Read. Read to them always. 

⭐️ Extra tip ⭐️ Have a night time ritual - it makes bed time easier.