Friday, September 23, 2016

Radiate Love

{one small moment at a t i m e}
  1. give an eskimo kiss
  2. start a tickle fight
  3. say "you're so brave"
  4. race a grocery cart
  5. make up a secret handshake
  6. gaze at the moon
  7. "I love the way you did that!"
  8. take a deep breath together
  9. ask "what are you grateful for?"
  10. dance in the car
  11. race to the nearest tree
  12. give a hug
  13. make shadow puppets
  14. bring him a drink just because
  15. have a silly face contest
  16. play the abc game on road trips
  17. make animal sounds
  18. share a piece of birthday cake
  19. jump on the bed
  20. scratch his back
  21. give a wink
  22. whistle a tune
  23. tell a joke
  24. give a high five
  25. say "did you know that I love you???"