Friday, February 7, 2020

3 Good for Me Habits

First, something: I’m wary of assigning sanctimonious labels to everyday behaviors. In truth, what makes for a good habit today doesn’t always carry over the years.

Related – For months, in college, I subsisted solely on free dinner bread from the restaurant I hostessed at in a valiant attempt to save enough money for my first car. I’d have called that a good habit at the time. Look at that! I’d think. Just swimming in self control! Budget or bust!

But for today, for me that is alive and well, there are 3 decidedly good habits I’ve been establishing as of late, things worth falling into that have surprised even me. Three habits I am loving, habits that are shaping this small self beyond the me I once was. Here they are:

And just like that i'm a tea drinker

Listen, I’ve always wanted to be a tea drinker. My favorite people are tea drinkers, and they look so calm and effervescent just sitting there, steeping, lost in thought and glowy skin. And yet, coffee lured me into its black depths sometime in the thick of my college years. I blame gateway mochas, but whatever, here we are.

I love coffee. I have been drinking it daily, without fail, for over five years. Martin owns the greatest little coffee maker around, and the entire existence of his coffee is the singular reason I look forward to each Monday morning’s (crazy early) alarm clock ring.


I’m experimenting this month with a (rather extreme) diet in hopes of healing excema. Food is medicine, after all, and so, why not try skipping the creams and drops and pills in lieu of some good old-fashioned self control? Famous last words, I know.

The meal plan is not unlike what I have already been eating (which you know I love), but more intense: In addition to less sugar, and beef, there will be less salt. 

I know, I know. What’s left?

Fruits, veggies, bread, nuts, and apparently, tea.

As is expected, the newfound care has trickled into other areas: bringing my own mug of coffee to work. Packing glass storage dishes to take lunch to work. Saying “No, thanks,” to straws.

Small things, indeed. But I happen to believe small things are not at all small.


I haven’t sorted out the whys yet, but this is the first year I’ve opted out of trends entirely. You’re not surprised, I know, nor are you a stranger to the slow layer-peel of releasing myself from the grips of consumerism, and yet: in the past, there have been many times I still wanted in. For instance it was difficult to resist the fiddle-leaf fig tree that I am sure would just make that corner in the sun room sing.

It is no longer difficult.

The woman who – a short lifetime ago – might have strolled the aisles of Target for fun has flown the coop. In fact, I realized in writing this that my last visit to Target was in 2018 to buy a some clothes for work. It stands to reason: what you look for, you’ll find.

And what you don’t, you don’t.

As such, I have completely missed the resurgence of which video games to buy, etc. in all their nostalgic glory, and while I love and treasure the 90’s – and am forever complicating my mother-son relationship – for now, for today, I’m ignoring the games. Among other things.

I will say one thing here: this habit surprisingly required a bit of soul-shifting. Having once been trusted as someone who knew what was just on the cusp, taking a few steps back has presented a small bruising in pride.

(Well worth it, I have noticed.)

The last habit? One that I can’t accurately categorize as bad, but simply a ritual I’ve had a rough go of shaking:

MAKING it a priority to be outside everyday for 45 MINUTES and FREEZing

I affectionately refer to these run-walks as NOT workouts, because expectations are important. Still, if you find yourself with a midnight hankering for an exercise aversion, this will help:

Mix 1 pair of leggings with a drizzle or two of sweatshirts and 1/2 vest of a puffer. Throw in some gloves. If you’re feeling fancy, lay them with some headphones and press play on those beloved playlists. Sprinkle with stars and throw ’em in the snow for a few minutes. Start walking, then bliss.


Tell me: any new habits you’re trying on lately? You know how much I love to hear all about ’em.