Saturday, February 15, 2020

Love Olympics: 5 Ethical Fashion Pieces to Wear This Winter

I have something fun to tell you.

We walk this planet in daily time capsules, in worn stories. Pregnancy is A Year Without Jeans. Mono is Three Months in a Bathrobe. My English grandmother’s entire life could be accurately volumed in a leather-bound limited edition: Nine Decades Wrapped in Silk.

And so: if your story’s entering a new chapter and a small shift is in order...

That’s the wonderful thing about style — our lives are spent in the clothes we wear.

Simply put, these are your forever pieces. (Love them well.)

It’s not an either/or for Laurie.

It needn’t be for the rest of us, either.

And so: for those of you in the midst of a new chapter – style or otherwise – enjoy. It is such an honor to introduce you to Laurie, and it is my greatest hope these special pieces find a forever home in yours.

Here’s to shifting seasons, wherever you are. May we weather them well.