Friday, February 14, 2020

Guten Morgen

You can always tell when Martin has a project in the works, because there are extra dishes in the sink and repeat punk German music on the speakers and it usually means one of us is procrastinating on an even bigger project. For the past month, Martin’s been slowly-but-surely finishing the window insulation screens (that man is so multi-talented, it’s insane) and I’ve been studying a textbook and well, generally running early mornings at work and then there’s this boy that makes it really easy to just call the whole thing off and play Sorry on the floor. But for the most part, things have been busy in the perfect way, the kind where you crawl into bed at the end of the night with a heavy feeling in your muscles and your brains and your bones, but a light feeling in your head and heart. Hard work is so, so good for the soul.