Friday, January 1, 2021

My 5 Favorite Life Hacks Right Now

For the record, I’m not of the school of thought that life is in need of hacking. It is what it is – some days more bonkers than others – moment after moment knocking around together to create some semblance of order (or lack thereof). Life is life is life, and I’ve yet to witness a defective one.

But I do find that there are a handful of things that bring more vibrancy to my day, that offer joy or ease or simplicity amidst the humdrum of it all. And I suppose that’s worth sharing, if for no other reason than to stream that same momentary happiness over to your side of the screen…

Here, then, is the list!


We’ve entered the school-age red zone where all napping bets are off, so my daily reading-with-Divy window is opened, fortunately. While it is fun to cozy up on the couch and enjoy old Beatrix Potter favorites, we’ve also taken to the next best thing: children-based playlists. The iTunes app has a slew of recommendations for a variety of kids, ages and seasons (Little Drummer Boy is a big hit around here). Each have been a perfect stand-in for when it’s impossible to sit down and read aloud unless I want to find him swinging from the chandelier one room over (again).


It’s no secret how boring I am in the kitchen, cooking the same recipes over and over (and over) until the rest of the family throws up their hands in protest and I find a new rotation to belabor. This used to mean fairly frequent take-out meals to spice up the menu, but this past year we’ve kicked the habit in favor of new recipes (head’s up – it’s double points at Smith's right now). The 30-minute or less dinners are usually prepped and pre-measured by me with fresh, whole food ingredients (the stuffed bell-pepper line-up is amazing), offering both a cooking lesson from Martin and an incredible meal in one fell swoop. This week, for less than a night of take-out costs, he made Hungarian pork and beef bell peppers, fresh baked bread and the best spicy banana curry ever. (Sure beats sushi in styro-foam.)


I just started writing again in my gratitude diary last month and, before I cracked the old spine, took some time reviewing the last five years in my blog. From the small happenings (what we ate for breakfast) to the big milestones (births, weddings, funerals), they’re all inside. It’s been my favorite practice for a long time, and this year, I’ve started #thegoodlist on Instagram. I’ve never really succeeded at a legitimate book, but taking 30 seconds at night to document a few daily memories for life is totally do-able. I get giddy thinking about all the fresh flowers Martin has given me and hot licorice tea. (New update: I’ve been contemplating a simple and quick decor change for the mantel — a space that allows for music and conversation!)


The winter months can be unforgiving to sensitive skin, and while my friend Nicole recommended hair brushing a few years ago, I never gave the idea much thought until now (short story short: always listen to your girlfriends). While I can’t attest to the long-term benefits, I love how invigorating the increased circulation feels when Martin combs my hair, even for a few short minutes. My shower feels more ritualistic and relaxing, and when paired with a favorite body wash, the whole experience is downright indulgent.


While there’s something lovely about the taking-down-of-the-Christmas-tree in early January, it sometimes leaves the home feeling sparse and forlorn. This year, I added a simple poinsettia and a few tea lights to our dining room table and the small glow has made a world of difference. They’re actual candles, but won’t require the fire department on standby. Plus: at dinner we don't have to worry about keeping tiny fingers away from tiny flames. Win/win!

Tell me: what’s bringing you small bits of joy, light and gratitude these days? I’d love love love to hear!