Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Five Things About Me

So, I've been a terrible blog slacker lately. Sometimes I post a lot; sometimes I don't feel like posting at all. It's been one of those weeks. A lot has been going on in my life & I really haven't had much computer time at all. So, since I've been absent, here is a completely narcissistic post all about me.

Well, just FIVE things about me...

• I wash my face & brush my teeth every night without exception. I have never slept with makeup on in my entire life... but even if I do fall asleep, I'll wake up in the middle of the night & wash my makeup off.

• I am a nutso organizer. I have a daily/weekly/monthly way of charting out my life. Mind you, it's not fool proof. I have missed 2 orthodontic appointments for Morgen in the past few months. I write everything down in my planner as soon as I get it, i.e., schedules, appointments, etc. The hardest thing for me to keep track of are church activities. I rarely have my planner with me at church and so they never seem to get written in when I get home.

• I have several re-occurring dreams: One is that I am out in public with a towel on (horrifying!). Another is me driving in a car and not being able to stop because there are no brakes (terrifying!).

• Whenever I am feeling sad, stressed or angry...I clean. I clean, declutter, organize, and straighten whatever. Seriously...In the middle of being upset or something, I will just walk around straightening my whole house.

• I do all the ironing in our house. Always have, always will. I learned how to do it from my Grandma Jo. She worked at a dry cleaner's for 45 years.

I hope you enjoyed wasting your life reading about mine.