Saturday, August 7, 2010


Morgen and his friend Alex stayed up the entire night last night. Alex came over to spend the night for Morgen's birthday and they have been outside skate boarding and I took them out to practice their driving skills as well. I took Morgen out to get his permit yesterday and he passed the test with flying colors in only ten minutes. He hardly even looked at the driver's handbook before hand. Just walked in and passed the written test like that. He is getting better at driving too. After he had his permit in hand yesterday, I let him drive from the DMV over to Ikea, since I needed to pick up some frames. It took him 5 minutes to back out of the parking space since the parking lot was rather crowded, and every time he went to go, another car would be coming in his direction. Then he pulled out on to the frontage road and a truck pulled out behind us and started honking at him for going too slow. Then he sped up but I was telling him to slow down since the corner was coming up and he hadn't practiced turning yet. Once we got around the corner I had him signal to pull over and stop so that I could drive us over the freeway (and around all the traffic) and he just stopped in the middle of the road instead. I think I will take him over to the high school parking lot again to practice before I let him out on the road for a while though. They still haven't gone to sleep yet, but I am sure when they do it will be for a long time. Crazy teenagers!