Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weekend in Sun Valley

Darlin redecorated her patio outside her condo and it looks so warm and inviting, especially last night when we arrived in Sun Valley, with all the lanterns and candles glowing. Darlin invited me up to see the show this weekend and I asked my student Amanda if she would like to come with me since she has never been there and I have always told her about my favorite place on earth. To skate outdoors, in the summer, doesn't get much better than that. She said, "Heck yes!"

Amanda and I waiting for the show to begin.

The stars were shinning so brightly tonight in Sun Valley! Darlin did a dazzling number to Glitter in The Air in her new dress that weighs almost 5 pounds due to all the crystals that it has on it. She definitely sparkled!

It was a sold out show due to Evan Lysacek, the 2010 Olympic Men's Gold Medalist, performing tonight. And he was great, but I still liked watching Darlin the best.