Friday, June 17, 2011

Live To Inspire

Brynn Barton was a humanitarian, a nurse, and a wonderful person. She was killed by a hit and run driver on Tuesday, June 7th. Two people who never knew her personally decided to have a bike ride in memory of her. Over 900 people showed up and this is a video of tonight's ride downtown made by her friend's dad.

Live to Inspire

Countless thanks to the organizers, participants and most importantly Brynn's family for letting us briefly share in the life of someone wonderful. I was talking to her father, he is a doctor in my doctor's practice and in our stake, during the ride and he said that Brynn would have loved to see everyone doing this. She was an inspirational girl who will be missed.

There is an account set up in her name at Wells Fargo if you would like to donate to the MS foundation on her behalf.