Thursday, April 16, 2015

Free Spirits Welcomed

I'm incredibly comfortable with my body and will display it without thinking twice. Sometimes I wish we could all go back to Eden (which I recognize as a metaphor, but go with me here) and walk around the garden, naked and unashamed. My body is a wonderland and I don't mind it being appreciated. I do believe there is a difference between appreciation and objectification. I realize that I can't control thoughts or actions towards me, but I don't think it's my responsibility to hide who I am.

My body isn't perfect. I have stretch marks from pregnancy, one on my stomach and a few on my boob and the weight gain that was beyond my control... and a much better option than having morning sickness. My stomach had always been tight, especially when I was grossly underweight and more so when I was in amazing shape. I don't wear glasses and refuse to even consider breast augmentation. My nose is slightly scarred on the top. 

But I've embraced my body. I've embraced my imperfections. I think I'm beautiful because of my flaws, not in spite of them.

I strongly believe in the five-love languages: gift-giving, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. For example, mine is physical touch, and one of my girl-night-friend's is gift-giving. It's important to learn not just your own, but also the language of the people you love.

There you are. 2 random things about me. I can handle being a free spirit. The question is:

Can you?