Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Black and Orange

Morning. Max left for school. Way after it was time for my work. Marko ate breakfast, oatmeal with dinoeggs and brown sugar. He ate the small oatmeal amount I could tell when I came home after work at 7:30 to find a bowl with a spoon, determined to not do dishes himself. The light around 9:30 pm was always spectacular. Pure silver. Camera out, I snapped a few images before she pulled the plug on my music. In other words, all done. I tied up balloons and he took off for home to change for the locker room. I followed Chloe into the closet size room. She stood in behind the scorekeeper. I held my phone steady. Drake and Hiphop Songs played. “I just realized they’re the soundtrack of my life,” she said. Mine too.