Monday, December 26, 2016


but couldn't be happier

why snowboard?

it is a sport that brings escape from the cares and tensions of daily life

psychologists have studied the rationale for snowboarding - snowboarders speculate about it - ordinary mortals shake their heads in dismay over it - there is an ambivalence to this sport - there are no scores or points to boarding but the beauty of movement gives a self-assurance that is better than winning a game. boarding brings an awareness of the grandeur of nature - an exhausting exercise for most people - yet no other sport gives such a feeling of satisfaction and healthy exhilaration - why do we snowboard??? words can't explain it - you have to experience the hours, days, weeks of it yourself - you have to meet the people who board - the individualists - the non-conformists - you have to see the beauty of the snow-covered mountains and valleys - you have to participate in this moment of truth - why do i board? you have to become a boarder to know.