Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Christmas Tradition

Here’s the thing: I love a good advent calendar. I love the idea of drawing out the holiday season as long as one possibly can – trickling the joy, little by little, and so, every year, I get the grand idea that this is The Year of the Advent Calendar. We’re doing it and we’re going to do it right, and we’re filling each day with a great holiday activity like ice-skating on a picturesque pond or hanging outdoor lights in matching wool sweaters or singing carols door-to-door, all rosy cheeked and mittened. You know, Hallmark Movie type stuff.

We have never, not once, not ever done these things. They exist only in my mind, because each year I write down these activities, we skip all of them except for our favorite: watch a Christmas movie with a giant bowl of popcorn.

We’re always good for a movie night, but it wasn’t until this year that we decided this – this(!) will be our tradition. It’s not quite deserving of the Hallmark Channel and it certainly won’t grace the cover of a holiday card but good gracious, do we ever enjoy it. It’s simple and fun and us.