Friday, December 20, 2019

Thank You

Last week, one of my friends at girl night – a fellow over-apologizer – pointed me to a small piece of advice:

Don’t say I’m sorry when you really mean to say Thank you.

I’m sorry I’m late accepts fault for things you may or may not have been able to control, not entirely at least. Your child’s last-minute skinned knee. A (real) traffic jam. The weather.

Thanks for your patience acknowledges that you’re late, and that being late isn’t ideal, and that as a result of your late-ness, the other person has (hopefully) granted you patience by waiting.

And that requires a Thank you.

I’m sorry is an apology for your shortcomings.
Thank you is an acknowledgement of others’ virtues.

I am very frequently saying ‘Sorry’ when I mean to say ‘Thank you’, and my girlfriend is very frequently, very gently, reminding me to knock it off.