Sunday, December 1, 2019


Nail Time!
Here are a few of our Favorite Pastimes for the Holidays

Finally: Ski Season.

Candied walnuts on the stove, Bing Crosby on the speakers. This is the time of year in which we all share excitement over something. For some, it’s puzzle season. Others, a warm, glistening tree and a tower of packages. Still others, your grandmother’s eggnog recipe.

Me? Ski Season.

I’m not entirely sure when the tradition started, only that it was sometime after Markus could prove enough self control to keep from shoving the snowflake enigmas into his mouth. Since then, my general rule is this: if the winter clouds are out, so then, are the snow pants.

 For everyone else, dig out your favorite coffee shop and go to town, yes? The Internet can wait.