Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Custom Christmas

Markus has reached an age where Christmas means something to him – all magical and twinkly and warm – and I want him to have lasting memories of experiencing that firsthand. So Martin decided to invite him to his own tradition and decorate something for the entire family to embrace – untamed sugary goodness at it's best.

And just like that, the Gingerbread house Party was born.

Instead of gifts for the kids, we let the house become the gift itself, housing dozens of small candies tucked into chimney's and crevices – a new treat to enjoy on each of the long, dark and blistery days leading up to Christmas.

We have been baking gingerbread for the last two weeks and set to work finding sprinkles, candy canes and powdered sugar to don each house. Old and new, tiny and sweet – all topped off with a marshmallow geometric roof. To add color and impact, red and green gummy decor fit the bill, and we covered cardboard with the intent of placing new houses and foil throughout the advent season. Divy loves having something new to discover daily and we love the idea of skipping big treats in lieu of tiny treasures.

And tonight, as I write from the sunroom – staring at this fun, quirky little house – I marvel at the beauty of parenthood.

The old traditions that slip away to replace new, slightly modified versions.

The black and white memories that become kaleidoscope colored when we recreate them for our own kiddos.

The joy that we experience when we mix new and old, tradition and surprise, past and future.

Because perhaps Bill Keane said it best, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future. But today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”

Happy merry-making, friends!