Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here is a list of the top ten belief energizers from C. Tuttle's book:

1. Reduce negativity
2. Ask your angels. If there is anything you are to "do" in the process, you will receive inspiration to do it.
3. Play the "Act as if" game. Act as if you already have what you want and notice how good it feels.
4. Play "The something exciting is about to happen to me" game. You will be amazed at what shows up for you!
5. Practice energy circles
6. Go on a creation run
7. Stop talking about what you don't want and talk more about what you do want-with enthusiasm.
8. Imagine more and observe less. If your life were ideal, what would it look like? How would it feel?
9. Choose to be happy rather than right
10. Pray. Ask God to energize your belief. It is the most powerful energy we have available to us and it is free. Ask away!