Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's

I volunteered to help with Reality Town at Morgen's school today. He needed the extra credit that they offered if I did so, and I was already helping in Markus' class today, so I made a morning of it. It really was fun to see the kids realize just how much money it takes to be a responsible adult. They were all okay about buying houses. But when it came time to help in the child care station, they were all having a really had time accepting the fact of how much it cost to put children in day care, and a few of them even said they wanted to switch and have their spouse stay home instead, but the scenarios were not allowed to be changed. The facts were the facts.

I also played some April Fool's day pranks on them today. First of I put messages on some toilet paper that said:

"The jokes on poo!"

"Who goes there?"

and other random thoughts, then floated the toilet paper on the water in the toilet.

I also rolled up some cash in the toilet paper roll...

I put different colors of food coloring in the cereal bowls so when they poured the milk it changed to all different colors.

When I packed Max's lunch I switched his cookies for carrots and sealed up the bag again with a little note tucked inside saying April Fool's! I also glued shut his sandwich bag, but he said he didn't even notice that prank. So silly!