Sunday, April 12, 2009

Big News!!!

I logged on to Facebook today to see that my oldest nephew Kiel, my sister Lara's son, is engaged to his cute girlfriend Emily! (She is the one he brought to the weenie roast last summer up Millcreek canyon.) They are getting married July 25th in the LA temple. It seems like he was just a baby and I was changing his he is getting married. So crazy!

In other news...sidewalk chalk artists were out in full force today!

Max was drawing baseball pictures...

Markus was creating beautiful flowers and hearts for me, oh and baby chicks.

I added a few tulips to the masterpiece...

Happy Easter!

Bunnies were hopping around too.

After church we came home and played outside in the front yard, what a beautiful day.

Markus, Max and Morgen

Markus and Max still put up with me dressing them alike while Morgen has outgrown it.

My mom wasn't feeling well, so she decided not to have Easter dinner this year. We held our own Easter egg hunt this morning before church, and after I made stuffed pork chops with gravy, spinach salad, million dollar potatoes, lime jello and strawberry cake. Then we watched a cute movie, Bedtime Stories. Good day.