Saturday, April 3, 2010

Going to....

...he*! in an easter hand basket. That is how things are feeling tonight. I took Morgen out to his friend Sam's moms wedding tonight. Max brought his friend Justin to go to a movie with me and Markus. We went to see How to Train your Dragon and it was cute. Then afterwards, while I was driving back out to pick up Morgen from the wedding, my mom called to tell me that Sheri was taking Connor to Primary Children's since he was turning blue. They put him on oxygen up in Logan and his oxygen stats still would not go over 60.

So I am on the phone with Sheri, when Max said, "Justin threw up!" Not just on himself but all over Max & Markus as well as the seats, carpet, seatbelts, you name it...projectile. I quickly hung up and pulled over to find out what I was dealing with. It is bad enough to clean up after your own child when he is sick, let alone to clean up after someone else's child throwing up. I felt badly for poor Justin and was trying to help him clean himself off as well as helping Max & Markus to not throw up from having throw up all over themselves. I tried to clean up the car the best that I could with clorox wipes. I picked up Morgen then drove home as fast as I could from Draper to drop Justin off and disinfect the car and the boys. As bad as all of it was, I just could not help thinking of Sheri and how she has it ten million times worse...she is driving her little, sweet three month old baby to the hospital to have yet another heart surgery. It has been a little over two months and that is about how long the doctors said it would be; but I think they were still kind of hoping to make it until May. Sweet, sweet baby.