Monday, April 26, 2010

Molly In The Middle

 When the boys aren't playing baseball at the ballpark, they are playing it at home, usually out front in the circle but sometimes in the backyard. They play a game with Molly, like keep away or monkey in the middle but with Molly instead. They play catch with each other and try not to drop it because if they do Molly will snatch it up and run away with the ball and hide or she will run around the backyard with them trying to "tag her out"! It is funny to watch and they get so excited when Molly does get the dropped ball, and they scream and run all over.


Markus lost another tooth.

Molly is Max's dog now. Morgen was not taking care of her, feeding her, cleaning up after her or even paying any attention to her. Of course Morgen doesn't agree to it, but I told Max that Molly knows who she really belongs to, and he just smiled and gave Molly a huge hug.