Monday, April 12, 2010


Connor had to have another procedure done last week while he was in the hospital. The hole that they had gone in to make bigger right after he was born had started closing and that is why he wasn't getting any oxygen. So while they were doing the MRI and noticed what had happened they went in and used a stint to widen the hole again. His stats look much better but still not perfect so they sent him home on Friday rather than having the surgery done on that same day as they had originally thought when he first came in. His chances of surviving the surgery were 6% lower if he had it done now than if his heart had better pressure in the chambers, so Sheri decided to wait until next month. 


Connor was sent home on oxygen and is waiting until May 3rd to have the next surgery done.

Sheri is having a rough time thinking about the upcoming surgery as it is a major ordeal, with Connor being put on the iron lung and having his heart stopped for 1 1/2 hours to reconstruct the Vena Cava and then restarting it and putting it back in. Then if all goes well and he goes home after 10 days of recovery in the hospital they will repeat the whole thing in a few months for the other artery in his heart, the Aorta. They used to do both artereries at the same time but the babies were having a hard time surviving such a major surgery, so now they do it in two stages. Talk about stress, she told me she just holds him and cries.