Thursday, July 16, 2015

Morning Glory

If you were able to change one thing about the way you live your days, it could mean significant changes over time. It could mean learning to take pauses for sunrises like this one on my way to work this morning. It could mean noticing the sun on your face, the softness of your pet’s fur, and the sound of my dear son's laughter. It could mean having peaceful pockets of time within a cray-cray day.

It could mean seeing myself with kind eyes and speaking with gentle words, letting go of grudges and being first to say, “I’m sorry”, living in today and not in the past. It could mean a soft place to lay my head at night, resisting the urge to numb my feelings and hide my pain, living authentically and courageously. It could mean answering the longings of your heart. It could mean experiencing the joy of living that has eluded you for too long. 

Summer days are too precious not to be lived.