Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Like me, you have your own summer memories that conjure up feelings of joy … freedom … creativity … relaxation … comfort … and contentment.

For many, Summer has its own challenges, bringing out feelings of worry … guilt … frustration … and stress.

I have to work. I wish I had more time to play with my family.
I desperately need a moment of peace. I cannot breathe.
We can’t afford a vacation right now. How will this be a memorable summer?

As adults, it’s not like our responsibilities disappear in the summer, do they? It’s not like we are suddenly free to do whatever we please. It’s not like we are released from the stresses and stuff of our everyday lives. Summer. I am talking about Summer. If I can't find new freedoms, forgotten smiles, and more breathing room in summer, when can I find them?

It is no longer about how much I can accomplish in a lifetime, but rather how much living and loving I can do each day. 

Sometimes it happens consistently; sometimes not. But I keep trying. I just keep trying. At church on Sunday I learned that a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying, it’s not too late to keep trying.

So today I: 

  • Spent less time trying to look “just right” and spent more time doing what makes my heart feel right.
  • Respected my body: Rest - much needed. Exercise when needed. Provide lunch at the park on the way to his game.
  • Asked for help (even if that means the task was done differently than I would have done it).
  • Was spontaneous—surrender my master plan and allow things to naturally unfold, even if it feels uncomfortable, scary, messy, or irresponsible. 

Just because we are adults doesn’t mean we don’t deserve the freedom and contentment that summer brings.

It could mean trusting—trusting that within the challenges you face, there are opportunities to learn, grow, and come out stronger on the other side. It could mean anticipating a moment of goodness is upon you if you just keep showing up.