Tuesday, August 8, 2017


1. Jax blew me kisses, which I caught like pucks. Then we switched and he caught my kisses (‘Woah! That's a big one!’). Together, we sent our puck-sized kisses down the ice scoring a goal.

2. Little Grey offered me handfuls of ice, followed by an ice chip straight from his mouth. Nothing imaginary about it. (Except, perhaps, in all he cannot yet verbalize. What is this kid thinking?!)

3. Twins delivered at 27 weeks filled the last 30 minutes of my nightshift with all things awful: emergency room entrance, ruptured membranes, a hand presentation, iCentra malfunctions, an emergency c-section, Lifeflight (‘What kind?’ A helicopter) and yucky news. Snapchat from co-worker: they both died.