Sunday, September 8, 2019

Build A Better Wardrobe

Specifically, my wardrobe.

Most of this perspective has manifested itself internally, choosing less for myself in subconscious ways: fewer opportunities, fewer close relationships, fewer appointments on the calendar. But I’ve also realized a more conscious, unexpected twist: Monet helped me in editing my things. 

I am happy to say I’ve been making progress.
Bins of unnecessary excess have been donated, new purchases have been thwarted. Getting dressed takes approximately zero time in the morning, and the laundry piles are considerably few. By wearing the same basics day in and day out, I’ve taken a red pen to my closet and ruthlessly edited the extra and the more and the plenty, all of which provided endless options that I’d tricked myself into thinking were necessary. More clothing does not equal more options. Smarter clothing does.