Wednesday, September 11, 2019


To Journey Off The Beaten Path
A few months ago I listened to a TED talk about a girl that gave up giving a f^@%, and did her own thing instead.

She felt rich and full and complete, and I just listened, to this woman with her soft voice and perfectly scripted vocabulary, with that full head of brains, and I thought, hey, that’s it? That’s what I need to do? Sign me up.

So I tried, on a smaller scale. I gave away 80% of my wardrobe. I cut sugar and salt from my diet. I loaded bags and bags of stuff – beach sandals and spare sheets and that vase I couldn’t resist from the Target clearance aisle – and I hauled them in my electric car to the local D.I store.
I said “Yes” when I used to say “No."

My calendar, too, shifted to prioritize fewer things: family, service and love. I declined opportunities that didn’t align with my new goals.