Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chasing Slow

I'm Writing A Better Story

My story is more than likely the same as your story: a clear beginning, and a murky middle, and then a new beginning again. 

A slow crawl back to the middle, a few inches closer to the goal, then another misstep right back to where I began.
It’s a story of relearning.

This chapter is about slowing down, about stripping the excess, about refusing to consume in a world that shouts for more.
But it’s also about the in between. It’s about what it’s like to vacillate between different parts of yourself and not get dizzy from the whiplash. It’s about living in the tilt a whirl that is standing up for something, then losing focus and vomiting over the handrails. It’s about staking a claim into the ground, then tripping over it on your way into the house for dinner. It’s about what happens when you strive for excellence and fail, and when you allow grace to change your mind.
It’s a story of less, to be fair.
But it’s also a story of much, much more.