Monday, March 22, 2010

Lunch Buddies

My sister Sheri was up in Salt Lake today and called me to hang out with her little buddies, Whitney, Josslyn and Connor. She came over and hung out while I cleaned and we chatted and then went to lunch. I was able to hold Connor for so long today but it still didn't seem like enough. No matter how much I get to see him, it is never enough. I cannot begin to describe how precious he is, he makes my heart melt just looking at him. And then to smell him and hold his sweetness - forget about it. I am gone. I love him so much and want for him to be able to get a new heart sooner than later. Sheri asked me to go Boston with her next month to take Connor to the heart specialists there. They have a robot that performs the Glenn Surgery that he has to have done next and the incision that they have to make is a few inches compared to the whole chest from the open heart surgery they would have to perform here at Primary's. So she is going to see if he would be a good candidate for that surgery instead.