Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Morgen's SEP conferences were tonight...

He is getting an A in seminary, partly due to the nightly reading of the Book of Mormon that he has been doing since school started. He hasn't missed one night all school year. And partly because he is really enjoying the class. However, all of his other classes had different grades. 

When I went to talk to his teachers about them, it turns out because he missed two days when he was sick he has couple of projects that are still needing to be turned in. But in his Chinese class his teacher told me that during their only test this term, she told the class absolutely no talking during the test or points would be taken away from their test scores. So instead of talking, Morgen held up signs saying "HI" and tried to make the other students laugh during the test. Needless to say, he had a few points taken away. Argh!! Why does he do those kinds of things? Seriously?! Doesn't he realize that in ninth grade these grades go on your high school transcript? Yes, yes he does, he told me he knows that. But that is just Morgen for you, not too serious, he just wants to have a good laugh.

Oh well, at least he is getting an A in ballroom dance! lol