Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shelbee's Baby

My niece Shelbee had her baby boy on Tuesday. He weighed 7 pounds exactly and was 20" long.

When I went to see him today I wasn't prepared for how sad I would be. I knew that Shelbee had placed him with a family for adoption, since she is 17 and has not graduated from high school yet. And I know it is her decision and is for the best and all that and yet when I went to see her and she was holding that sweet little baby boy in her arms and telling me about how she couldn't put him down last night knowing that it was her last night with him, my heart just broke. She loves him and is trying to give him more. It is still so hard to watch her suffering. She was so emotional and I didn't know what to say through my tears. So I just held him and gave him a kiss goodbye. She was going home without her baby today and I think that would be so incredibly hard.

The family that she chose, came to meet him the day he was born and named him Benjamin.