Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring has Sprung...

at least it felt like it yesterday.

Markus finally finished his antibiotics that he has been on for ten days (thank goodness for the pink stuff) for his Strep throat that he had. He had the same illness about this same time last year, hmm.... wonder if it has anything to do with the crazy spring weather we seem to have every March. First it's hot then it's cold....

So when Morgen asked if he could go over to his friend Austin's house today after church (I taught an Easter lesson to my primary class), I told the boys that we could go to the park after we dropped him off.

They were having so much fun soaking up the sun. Markus climbed this tree and informed me that, "It has tons of buds on it!" He was just asking me yesterday when the trees where going to get leaves on them.

Max came to sit next to me and kept asking me all kinds of questions about the sun, God and the planets. Of course I didn't have the answer to most of them, but I love talking with Max.