Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy Church Day

Morgen gave a talk in sacrament meeting today and did a great job, considering that he hadn't even started it a 10:00 this morning - our church starts at 11. Anyways, you can read his talk here:

In Ephesians 4:29 it says: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good”.

President Hinckley once received a letter from a public official. In the letter he wrote: “Would you please consider dealing with the problem of the use of profanity, swearing, and vulgar language?

“From my high school days years ago I can only recall one student who indulged in such, and most students shunned his association. Today, if I am correctly informed, its use has reached epidemic proportions among our high school youth.”

He goes on: “One evening I was watching a TV movie with my sixteen-year-old son. When some crude language was used, I suggested that we turn off the TV. My son said, ‘All right, Dad, but that’s nothing compared to what I hear at school all the time.’ In visiting with some of the youth in our community I receive the same report. One boy commented, ‘Everybody, nearly, talks that way. The girls are just as bad or worse than the boys.’

“What I fear from these reports is that the prevalent use of foul language has become an acceptable pattern in the schools, probably due in large part to the influence of TV and the general permissiveness in our society. Whatever the cause, I hope that some additional emphasis might be made to curb it, to help our youth appreciate the importance of proper language.”

President Hinckley also related a story from his youth about not taking the name of the Lord in vain. He said:

“When I was a small boy in the first grade, I experienced what I thought was a rather tough day at school. I came home, walked in the house, threw my book on the kitchen table, and let forth an expletive that included the name of the Lord.

My mother was shocked. She told me quietly, but firmly, how wrong I was. She told me that I could not have words of that kind coming out of my mouth. She led me by the hand into the bathroom, where she took from the shelf a clean washcloth, put it under the faucet, and then generously coated it with soap. She said, “We’ll have to wash out your mouth.” She told me to open it, and I did so reluctantly. Then she rubbed the soapy washcloth around my tongue and teeth. I sputtered and fumed and felt like swearing again, but I didn’t. I rinsed and rinsed my mouth, but it was a long while before the soapy taste was gone. In fact, whenever I think of that experience, I can still taste the soap. The lesson was worthwhile. I think I can say that I have tried to avoid using the name of the Lord in vain since that day. I am grateful for that lesson.”

In the Strength of Youth manual it says: How you speak says much about who you are. Clean and intelligent language is evidence of a bright and wholesome mind. Use language that uplifts, encourages, and compliments others. Do not insult others or put them down, even in joking. Speak kindly and positively about others so you can fulfill the Lord’s commandment to love one another. When you use good language, you invite the Spirit to be with you.

Always use the names of God and Jesus Christ with reverence and respect. Misusing their names is a sin. Profane, vulgar, or crude language or gestures, as well as jokes about immoral actions, are offensive to the Lord and to others. Foul language harms your spirit and degrades you. Do not let others influence you to use it.

Choose friends who use good language. Help others around you use clean language by your example and by good-naturedly encouraging them to choose other words. Politely walk away or change the subject when others around you use bad language.

If you have developed the habit of swearing, you can break it. Begin by making a decision to change. Pray for help. If you start to use words you know are wrong, keep quiet or say what you have to say in a different way.

I hope that we can use clean and respectful language, and I know that through doing so we will be able to further resist temptation and come closer to our heavenly father.

Morgen was also set apart as the first counselor in the Teacher's quorum presidency today and had a meeting after church as such. I gave the closing prayer in Sacrament as well as teaching primary today about Moses and fulfilling our life mission. Then I had a key scouters meeting afterwards about the court of honor that I need to get awards for on this next Thursday.

We had a new bishop put in last week, so it was his first time as Bishop today, Brother Downs who used to be our home teacher and was Morgen's scout leader as well, is the new bishop. My friend Tyra's husband that was the bishop for the past 10 months lost his job at Overstock and they are moving to New York for his new job. I am going to miss being her visiting teacher, she is a really neat girl and I will miss her example of being a patient mom.

Max spent most of the afternoon outside playing with his new pitching trainer that he got for his birthday.