Sunday, September 11, 2011


911 Flag
Whenever I think about 9/11, I can't help but remember the actual flag that I stood next to before the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. It was a very real, sacred reminder to me of the lives that had been lost in those horrible attacks. I couldn't look at it without getting chills. I still do just thinking about it. It’s hard to realize that despite devastating events, the world keeps turning. People go about their days. Awful things happen, and people still buy donuts. Harder things and more horrific events are occurring everywhere in the world, but that one thing had rocked mine.

We question ourselves. What have we done to so affront nature?
We interrogate and worry God.
Are you there? Are you there, really?
Does the covenant you made with us still hold?

Maya Angelou writes “Into this climate of fear and apprehension, Christmas enters”

For me I like to think of the wording of this as “Christ enters.”

Christ has felt this anguish. Christ has lived the uncertainty, the fear, and the fragile reality that is mortality. He has suffered through these moments already. Knowing this makes the heavy moments a little less heavy. There exists for me, somehow, the knowledge that this amazing gift won’t make these hard things easier, just a little more tolerable. Like 911. I was just looking at photos of the memorial in New York. There is also an album out on iTunes in commeration of the attacks on the world trade center. You can listen to the songs here:

Ten Years On...