Friday, October 7, 2016

This is worth falling for...

Gratitude Log

Gratitude is the single most powerful thing you can do to shape a more positive day. 

Taking a moment to think about what I'm grateful for today will bring the present to mind and help me focus on what happened that I'm thankful for.

I like it best in a monthly format because I can see all of my gratitudes in one place.

  1. warm fall days 
  2. beautiful fall colors
  3. having my boys home
  4. snuggling on the couch
  5. delicious soup
  6. a job that I love
  7. long naps on rainy days
  8. my trusty blog I'd be lost without it
  9. not having to go to work today
  10. until after midnight when they called me in
  11. hot chocolate on a cold morning...
  12. zumba class that is off the chain
  13. discovering new cities
  14. long drives
  15. passing my AWHONN class
  16. boys who love to talk to me
  17. new socks
  18. having fall break off work
  19. long walks through the falling leaves at the park
  20. laughing around the dinner table with my boys
  21. sleeping in 
  22. sleepovers
  23. pumpkin spice muffins
  24. friends calling you by name
  25. holding newborn babies
  26. reading in the sun
  27. massages
  28. music
  29. hockey games
  30. my sister Ivy
  31. Halloween

 And thank you for reading.