Saturday, October 22, 2016


{You're pretty much my most favorite of all time in the history of forever}

F -fight for you
R - respect you
I -include you
E -encourage you
N -need you
D -deserve you
S -stand by you

friends who are there for you, both in good times and bad, is a good sign of loyalty. finding people who are authentic can be difficult, especially if you've sometimes been let down by others. but healthy relationships are those who don't live life purely for their own self-interest, they take pleasure in seeing you happy as well.

friends don't play divide and conquer. not since they were 10 anyways.

"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events and small minds talk about people."

when I was listening to these dudes talking to each other today, I heard about 50% ideas "lets gap the stairs?", 40% events, "dude, did you see when Tanner Fox gapped 20 stairs?", and 10% talking about people "I love it when Jake Angeles wears his helmet in to Chic-fil-a," most of which was praise.

they weren't two faced: they don't slate their other friends who aren't there, because they have values that they adhere to "Love your tribe", and because their teammates are important to them.

they don't group chat just because they want something. you know the type, the ones who only contact you when they have a favor to ask you. friendship based on bribes is not a friendship worth their time. they don't get taken for granted time and time again. they already are huge believers in give and take. they care about each other as people and are always wondering how they're doing, even at school and off the ice.

these dudes don't succumb to the idea that money, looks, rank and credit are everything. they didn't chose each other based on physical attributes or popularity either.

and they trust each other, are honest, and respect each other. honesty is a quality that flies under the radar sometimes especially among friends. intimidation makes them feel unwilling to criticize them when it matters most. sometimes we need to be told the absolute truth. not rude or horrible, a good friend would rip into your actions with a touch of love.

{best friends: you laugh, i laugh. you cry, i cry. you fall, i laugh then i fall too because i was laughing so hard.}

i think my favorite part about their friendships my boys have developed is that they are there when they're struggling to improve any area of their lives, and make sure they are there during their victories too. they don't pick and choose when to be friends like they're at a pic-n-mix candy shop. they motivate and inspire each other and know that they will do the same for them.

i personally know that i need friends, they're worth putting in time, effort, money, sweat and tears. 'friendship' to me means all of these qualities above and part of my patriarchal blessing said to "consciously seek out the kind of friends i want to spend my time with."

choose your friends wisely: quality takes precedence over quantity.