Monday, May 15, 2017

I'm Still Looking Up

Do you ever look at your children, and you can literally feel your heart melting because you love them so much???

Yesterday went from glam to glum and back to glam again (thanks in part to little men named Max and Markus). Repeat.

1. "I made you breakfast in bed." But this hottie little biscotti named Max at home didn't stop there. With the wave of a hand, he waived the bag open with a pretty little anklet from Thailand. Oooh, he will get good karma back for that one.
2. I saw these two, who smartly brought their wheels. The phone call from Morgen was a highlight, but he kept insisting, ‘I'm wearing Jesus sandals!’ This would normally make me roll my eyes, but today it made me laugh out loud (even if it was with him).

3. I got to see Sierra's bungalow. The girl who not only pays her own rent but decorates like Joanna Gaines. When I got home, I set up the new pillows from my mom. ‘Thanks mom, you're the best!’ And all was well in my world again.