Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Self Reflection: Morgen

One of the very first times that I feel I was at my best was in the first grade. We would be working on various math assignments in class, and I would finish them very quickly. Afterwards, I would help my classmates finish theirs as well. Due to this, my teacher suggested I go to the second grade classroom during math time instead of staying in the first grade room. I feel I was able to help my classmates excel, and myself as well.

Another time I felt like I was at my best was when my friend was struggling to get a ride to school in high school. Her sister’s car had just broken down, and her mom had work in the morning, so she didn’t know how she was going to get there. I offered to give her rides to school until the car got fixed, so she wouldn’t miss class. I feel like because of this, they were both able to not miss anything important.

Before I started going to college, I used to work at a retirement home. While working here, my boss was struggling to come up with a new process for how the residents ordered and ate their meals. Management felt like a new way was necessary due to increasing time pressures and resident complaints. I offered to assist in providing strategies for how to make everything more efficient, and keep the residents happy. I feel like because of my contributions, my boss was able to come up with a solution that worked for everyone.

For his final assignment paper due today Morgen let me read what everyone had written to him when he asked for examples of when he had demonstrated his character...

I think you doing pretty good now bruh doing good in college and working and partying.

One of my favorite things about morgen is that no matter what he is always loyal to his friends, no matter how long we've ever gone without talking if I ever needed him he'd be there, I remember one night I got in a huge fight with my ex-boyfriend morgen like always came to the rescue and all I had to text him was where are you and he already knew I needed him, told me where he was and if I wanted him to come get me, that night I got away from a very toxic relationship all thanks to morgen being a good friend.

Another time I remember me and one of my best friends were at a party and kind of fighting with each other because she had too much to drink I almost walked home (which would have taken hours) then right before I did morgen showed up just as happy as always and put me in a completely better mood! His good mood is always contagious! & so I love being around him as much as possible!

My all-time favorite memory of morgen is when I got my wisdom teeth out, I still had to go to school and looked like a chipmunk everywhere I went so morgen the sweet guy he is puffed up his cheeks every time he seen me, and every picture I took he took with me so my face wouldn't look fat alone, sweetest friend I've ever had

From when you were younger: You have the ability to get people to work together and give their best. For example, I think of the time that we were working on triathlon training. We were getting completely obsessed with it and the effect was showing. We started to close down and get very focused on just getting to the finish line. You noticed that we were not doing our best parenting and stopped the family to rethink our approach. You asked whether we wanted to just be triathletes or whether we wanted to really spend time together. You reminded us of what was important and how each of us could contribute to a better family group. No one else your age would have thought to do that. As a result, some of us did stop the obsessing and created a more relaxed atmosphere we all felt proud of.

From a time you helped a friend: You have a capacity to persist in the face of adversity. For example, I think of the time that you came up with the idea of helping Akbar and his family after Hurricane Katrina flooded his home. His family had just moved to Louisiana after his father's death from cancer and he was impossibly down-hearted. Instead of getting overwhelmed with emotions, you became more focused than I have ever seen anyone get. I think you went to 24 houses without stopping to help him by gathering clothes and toys and money. I was amazed that you not only donated your own build-a-bear but that you could maintain a positive attitude and consistently helpful orientation to Akbar under those conditions.

From your first job: You are great at building relationships critical to career success. For example, I think of the time that: You were working for a restaurant committed to increasing their turn-around time on tables, and to share tips with all their laborers. You were the busboy with the various side jobs like filling water and providing chips and salsa critical to speeding up the process of feeding the hungry customers, and to increase customer satisfaction after their hours of waiting in line here for authentic Mexican food. Despite unrelenting crowds, you crafted and co-created a vision for how the bussing of tables could work to meet the expectations of the owner. You easily navigated cultural differences and built strong relationships that thrive to this day.

Morgen you were at your best when you worked to become an Eagle Scout. You showed great tenacity to complete the very exhausting and challenging requirements. Especially since you didn't really enjoy the program! You were a positive example to the younger scouts. It was a character building challenge for you because you endured to the end and you received your Eagle Scout Award! We were very proud of your accomplishments.

Morgen it is so admirable that you chose to become an Accountant. A very difficult and intense course of study. Grandpa knows as he graduated from BYU at the top of his accounting class! You have shown your brothers and your numerous cousins that to make a decision that entails hard work and dedication is worthwhile. So proud that you are at the top of your class!!

You were at your best when your friends were struggling with various problems and you took them home and shared your room with them. You are a kind thoughtful person who really cares for others. I remember a few stray dogs who also found refuge in your room too!

When Morgen completed his Eagle Scout badge I realized he has a willingness to do hard things and finishes what he starts.  To accomplish this high honor, Morgen showed a tremendous amount of perseverance as well as dedication and hard work. It speaks to his depth of character to be able achieve this very prestigious award at such a young age.  

Morgen has always exemplified compassion and a willingness to serve and help others. He showed this countless times, as he helped his cousin with her difficult math assignments… Without complaint and with patience, he was instrumental to her success in math class. 

Morgen is very strong willed and independent. He has shown he has inner strength as he followed his passion even when it went against what other people thought he “should" be doing. He was true to himself and followed his individual path. 

You are very focused in meeting a challenge. I remember when you were on the chess team in Junior High. We were playing chess one afternoon and I challenged you to beat me. I don't believe you had beat me before. You were behind at the time but you focused your efforts and turned the game around and defeated me. I was very impressed.

You are great at accomplishing your goals. I know High School wasn't the best time for you and you had a few challenges to deal with. When you decided your career path in college you set a goal to not only get a degree and work out the financing but to do the best you could do along the way. I have been so impressed at how hard you have worked at school and the high grades you have achieved. Your hard work has earned you scholarships and the recognition of your professors and fellow students.

You have the ability to sense the need in others and help them in a time of need. When you were younger you had a friend from a foreign country that needed to move due to some hardships his family was experiencing. You took the initiative on your own to organize a drive to collect clothing and money to help your friend and his family in his time of need. I was so impressed by your caring and compassion to make this happen to help a friend.