Monday, May 1, 2017

Quarter of a Century

Sierra = 25
1. Meow! Spring is in the birthday: A New Unicorn theme for my niece named Sierra who happens to be a quarter of a century. 

2. Ka-Ching! Spring is in the breezy corridors of City Creek, in the rustling leaves of the streets and parks, and in the warm sun hugging a city emerged from another winter.

3. Cheers! Spring is in patios burst wide open. It's in bicycle wheels and wide open car windows. It's in jackets tossed aside and in fresh allergies saying hello to the world. Nine years ago, I acquired a lovely allergy test upon recommendation of a friend. Today, the friend stood behind my youngest son and offered him all his coaching skills for his first high school game, to a not-yet-freshman. Sweet!

Spring is in the air!