Thursday, July 13, 2017

Eat Play Love

1. Lunch: Markus deserves his own post. I'm dedicating today to him. He is my Youngest Best Friend who taught me how to run my iPhone. The last time we went to lunch was two days ago. The next time we see each other will be after work tomorrow. 
2. Skip-o: Not only did we eat well, we had free entertainment. Our doggo needed his nails trimmed, after which  we took him to the dog park with enough fire hydrants to hold up Venice. Fabu-coats. Blinding bright teeth. Plus the heat. Oh, the heat... Markus provided the running commentary. He is a wry observer.

3. Idea: We didn't talk about this, but after work (‘this was so hard, loading gravel...’), Morgen and I got into the car to pick Adam up from the airport. He mixed a toxic magic potion of jets, suburbans, home remodels, etc. into an evening of dinner and friends. Did we cast a spell? I can't remember. What matters is that he is as mischievous as ever. Today, he unhatched the genius idea for an unscrewpulous little plan to get Max's new car fixed - the AC.