Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Make Me Smile

1. Motivation. Bike ride with Alisa dragged my derrière out of bed.

2. Farmer's Market Fun. Monet. Who you callin' sister?
I went for a fresh limeade, but returned with:

1. a free flower bouquet,
2. a free Cinnamon roll, and 
3. Girls Trip, a free movie even though it wasn't the movie we were expecting.

My also-single sister shared her good fortune. We were so giddy, we did the happy dance and went halves on all the popcorn (two new dresses, a market bag and sandals...for my birthday which isn't until September) we had amassed. It was a Love Feast!

3. Pierre's. Beautiful eye candy from France.

¡Gracias, Aria!